Gravient, a virtual and augmented reality company, asked us to develop their brand identity. The company’s main objective is the creative use of technology for commercial purposes. As part of their identity, we created The Next Point of View, a typographic concept, built from a standard typeface and we developed a typographic behaviour using interaction and three-dimensionality. The letters change depending on the angle you view them from, so the user’s perspective becomes key in determining the shape of the typography. In this way, the typographic language becomes infinite because the different styles of the family depend on the use of perspective. This typographic concept has been developed for use in virtual and augmented reality experiences and also on the company’s website.
Project done in collaboration with Pràctica
Typeface family
In order to cover all the communications needs of the company, a typeface family was created to fit the concept of the identity. The family is made up of three styles based on different points of view.
A web site was developed to show the capabilities of typography interaction.
Parting from observing the world from a different perspective, the photography studio Kiwi Bravo was in charge of generating Gravient’s own photographic universe.
Gravient, a virtual and augmented reality company, asked us to develop their brand identity. The company’s main objective is the creative use of technology for commercial purposes. As part of their identity, we created The Next Point of View, a typographic concept, built from a standard typeface and we developed a typographic behaviour using interaction and three-dimensionality. The letters change depending on the angle you view them from, so the user’s perspective becomes key in determining the shape of the typography. In this way, the typographic language becomes infinite because the different styles of the family depend on the use of perspective. This typographic concept has been developed for use in virtual and augmented reality experiences and also on the company’s website.
Project done in collaboration with Pràctica
Typeface family
In order to cover all the communications needs of the company, a typeface family was created to fit the concept of the identity. The family is made up of three styles based on different points of view.
Gravient vertical
Gravient horizontal
Gravient diagonal
A web site was developed to show the capabilities of typography interaction.
Parting from observing the world from a different perspective, the photography studio Kiwi Bravo was in charge of generating Gravient’s own photographic universe.
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